Video for "67 Mustang", and how time flies when you're staring at a wall....

All day and night on a beautiful Saturday in August of 2013, my band agreed to lock themselves in a windowless room with me and perform for hours on end for a  "simple performance video" that I was going to light, direct, film, star in, and edit so that we could put some sort of video out to help promote our record, "Free As Thieves". In a perfect world, I wanted it done before our CD Release in November '13, but in reality I was going to edit it in the winter of 2014 and put it out shortly thereafter. I was doing it all by myself because I had no money, and it was supposed to be an experiment on how to light a set, and learn my video editing software better. 

And all of those things happened, the only snag in the equation was that I hadn't anticpated falling into a year long depression after my album came out. Oh, head chemicals, you are so unpredicatable! Depression is debilliatating on the best of days, but looking at yourself for hours on end as you edit a video that you shot and did everything for is like a visualization in all the lies you see in yourself and in the world, everyday. At least for me it was like that. This "simple performance video" was feeling more epic with every passing month it wasn't completed, and finishing the video was unendurable. So I stopped. For a year. 

And then I went to India. The phrase "Everything is Nothing" kept popping up in my brief time there,  and at some point after I got home I would occasionally let the idea gestate in my mind. It was a bit of a relief to consider that Everything was Nothing, since Everything had been terrorizing me for 12 months, but It turns out it's Nothing. Who knew?


So with Nothing to stop me, some gentle encouragement from my band, and knowing Steve Sherrick was going to color correct the video (the same guy who did our video for "Autumn Spills"), I finally finished the video. 

The other day a colleague asked me if I had put anything new out, and I said "yeah, we just released an album in November". And then I realized it was a year ago in November. "Time flies when you're busy", he reassured me. 

Time flies when you're staring at a wall.... 

So here's the video. Directed, shot, edited by me, color corrected by Steve Sherrick. Let's pretend like it's a year ago.