Check out Sarah’s new side project, “Foolish Ida”, based on the book “Outside Over There” by Maurice Sendak. We will be making our debut performance on August 24th at The Lizard Lounge in Cambridge, Ma., opening up for Jaggery.
Foolish Ida
Sarah will be debuting her new side project “Foolish Ida” on August 24th at Jaggery’s residency at The Lizard Lounge in Cambridge, Ma. The project features Sarah, Goli, and special guests. All songs are written inspired by the book “Outside Over There” by Maurice Sendak. Expect a blog on this soon.
'Autumn Spills' @ Sacramento Film & Music Festival
Our video for 'Autumn Spills' will be making its West Coast debut at the Sacramento Film & Music Festival Sunday July 25th, 7:30pm @ The Crest Theatre 1013 K Streeet, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Best Music Video at SENE Film Festival
Many many thanks to the audience at the SENE Film Festival who voted 'Autumn Spills' for Best Music Video. What an honor to be voted for by the people and fans. Thank you so very much!
Pandora and Bravo!Videos
Our video for ‘Autumn Spills’ was featured on Bravo! Videos in Canada in December.
You can now listen to Self-Employed Assassins on Pandora!
This video is from the Mark Sandman Foundation benefit we did in September. We’re featured at about 2:30 Short interview and a sampling of our cover of ‘Running Up That Hill’ by Kate Bush.
Download the album for FREE and we still get paid!
You can now download our album for free at and we still get paid. Everyone wins. We’ll also be playing a show in Sept for gimmesound and the Mark Sandman foundation, check back later for details.
the new music video for ‘Autumn Spills’ directed by Theodore Cormey
in other news
~ We’re almost finished with the video for ‘Autumn Spills’. Very soon now!
~ We’re playing a bunch of shows in NY, CT, VT, PA and hopefully some other places soon. Check gigs for details.
~ You can also get up to the minute or day or week info @sarahrabdau on Twitter.
possibly interesting tidbits
—We’re playing live on 88.9 WERS on Tuesday the 31st at 3pm. Check it out if you have a radio or are in a car in the Boston area.<br>
<br>—Saturday, 4/4/09, I’m playing a solo show in NYC with Goli at Caffe Vivaldi in the West Village. Goli will join me on one or two songs<br>
<br>—We’re also playing in the 31st Annual WBCN Rumble on Thursday April 9th at The Middle East. Please come out and scream for us.
CD Release. News. Lack of Nutrition.
Last night we had our first rehearsal with the string trio for the CD Release party. It was fantastic. Not only do I love these women, but they’re so very talented, and so beautiful that they light up the room. I love hearing them talk about all their string-y things, bowings, and favorite keys. Ooohhhhh it’s so great. They’re amazing.
After about the 2nd or 3rd song I began to wonder if anyone would come see us again if we didn’t have the trio? Once you go extreme beauty, can you go back? I wish I could travel with them always. I wish they could be the soundtrack to my life.
So far reviews have been very kind about the CD. It didn’t start that way. People seemed to respect it, but didn’t like it. Performing Songwriter picked the disc as one of the top 12 DIY discs in their current issue. They’re also offering a download of “Man Child”
My dad asked what DIY meant. I told him Do It Yourself. He thought I was mad at him.
As I’ve begrudgingly grown up a bit I’ve learned that people connecting to the music is far more important to me than people being impressed by it. Ideally it’s one in the same, but if I had to choose, I want people to connect.
I had an awesome week last week where we got lots of compliments and reviews on the record, and people were saying great things about the album and playing it on the radio. I was feeling really secure and great, and then Matt and I had a practice that night and it totally blew. We both played like crap. That was a wake up call. Much needed.
times to not change →
I’m sitting here listening to Jonny Greenwood’s Soundtrack to There Will Be Blood. I love this music. It’s so terribly unnerving, yet it completely relaxes me while also igniting my brain to work and…
CD Release. News. And Lack of Nutrition →
Last night we had our first rehearsal with the string trio for the CD Release party. It was fantastic. Not only do I love these women, but they’re so very talented, and so beautiful that they light…
into the ocean →
For the latter half of elementary school I grew up in a quaint New England town by the ocean on the North Shore of Massachusetts. There was some wealth among the residents. Not everybody had it, but…
"Crushing" -Sarah RabDAU and Self-Employed Assassins